Ace Fulton’s Impossible Bottle Casino Playing Cards by Brad Fulton (Red Hot)


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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


The original Ace Fulton’s Casino playing cards, back in stock for the first time in over seven years. Printed with an updated color pallet for a more vibrant and “retro” red and blue colorway. Special features include Arrco®-style court cards, a new ace of spades and matching marquee jokers.

Packaged inside a standard tuck box and sealed with a vintage-inspired tax stamp and a red tear strip for easy opening. Printed by The United States Playing Card Co. with a Cambric finish on Thin Stock.

These souvenir playing cards are inspired by what was once offered complimentary to guests of Ace Fulton’s Casino in Las Vegas. Reminiscent of vintage playing cards from casino’s like Jerry’s Nugget, the Ace Fulton’s Casino Playing Cards combine that retro style with a modern stock and finish. And just like Ace’s casino, no detail was left unnoticed, including a few “security” measures. We’ll leave those for you to discover though. All in, they’re the cards we’ve always wanted.

Designed by Brad Fulton and illustrated by Dan Phillips.

Produced by Fulton’s Playing Cards.


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