Avocardo (Avocado Mixed Half Brick Box) Playing Cards by OPC


This deck is a limited run of 1500 decks

In stock

We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!



Avo-Card-Os are fresh from the Organic Market! Perfect for “spreading” on toast and cutting into packets! We are very excited to bring you a new and fun tuck box concept with this deck!

There are two custom tuck boxes that will be sold! One box has a seed and the other doesn’t, so it is like you are opening up a real avocado!!! The color pallet of this deck also goes very well with the fall season. This orange might be one of my favorite back colors yet! Per usual, we have standard, yet slightly custom faces with all of the Courts doing something with avocados! That makes this deck perfect for cardistry, card magic, or game night with friends!

This deck also comes with a duplicate 9 of Spades and a gimmick card for all of your magic needs!

Printed by USPCC on premium crushed stock these cards feel as delicious as they look! HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!


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