CHAO Imperial Yellow Edition Playing Cards


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China’s extraordinary history dates back to more than 5000 years and provides a rich collection of royal subjects which forms the basis of the Chao Playing Cards. The Imperial Yellow edition CHAO playing cards has a limited production run of 2500.

This is the fourth edition of the CHAO playing card deck series which takes on an imperial yellow color. Yellow is a very important and traditional color in China and back in the days of the dynasty, yellow was a forbidden color as only high-ranking officials and the Emperor’s body guards with high honor wore this color. The color represents power, royalty and prosperity which we have used in this edition of CHAO, used on the card backs and also on the tuck box where it is also embossed and imperially gold foil stamped. There is a limited production of 2500 decks only on this edition. Never to be produced again. So once they are sold out they’re gone.


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