Freakshow Playing Cards by Nick Vlow


  • Printed by U.S. Playing Card Company
  • Features specially hand-drawn court cards highlighting your favorite magic and side-show freaks
  • Includes 2 gaff cards (misprinted Ace/Joker and a bearded Queen of Hearts/Joker back)
  • Concept by Eric Ross
  • Designed by Nick Vlow

In stock

We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!
All orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped in one one of our storage gift boxes for free!

Have a collection you’d like to sell? X-decks is interested!


Extraordinary physical characteristics, shocking performers and curiosities abound.

Celebrate the UNUSUAL and the exotic with Freakshow Playing Cards.

“I don’t believe in duping the public, but I believe in first attracting and then pleasing them.”
P.T. Barnum

Some of us are born astounding; the rest of us are self-made nonconformists that cultivate freakdom.

Magicians, cardists, mesmerists, snake charmers, fire breathers, and sword swallowers all push the boundaries of normalcy while entertaining.

Honor what makes you different. Come to the big tent.

Marvel at the hypnotic backs.
Recognize your favorite industry faces on the hand-drawn court cards.
Create miracles with the unique gaffs included.




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