Legacy Of Legerdemain Playing Cards by Mike Davis


  • Debut deck featuring all original card magic-inspired design from acclaimed graphic artist Mike Davis
  • 52 standard cards, 2 matching Jokers, 1 blank face card, 1 double-backed card
  • Printed by USPCC on their butter soft Thin Crushed™ stock

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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Legacy Of Legerdemain is a deck of high quality playing cards inspired by the history and craft of card magic. It is the debut deck from Minneapolis-based graphic designer and card magic enthusiast Mike Davis.

The design of Legacy Of Legerdemain is largely inspired by the flashy geometry of handmade hip hop party flyers of the late 1970s and early 1980s, which themselves draw inspiration from art deco patterns and design. The entire deck features original design from top to bottom and front and back. The pips throughout the number cards are arranged in a cleaner, more symmetric / closer-to-two-way pattern while the distinctive court cards are filled with references to classic magic books, sleights, and routines. The name of the deck itself pays tribute to the history of card magic, the word Legerdemain meaning “light of hand” and used throughout magic history to refer to skill in sleight of hand.

The cards and tuck cases were expertly manufactured by The United States Playing Card Company in Erlanger, KY using their Thin Crushed™ stock for a top of the line feel – smooth, thin, and flexible… perfect for magicians and cardists as well as casual card players and family game nights.

Included in the deck: 52 standard cards, 2 identical Jokers, and two gaff cards perfect for a whole slew of magic tricks: 1 blank faced card and 1 double-backed card.


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