Mono-heXa Standard Playing Cards by Luke Wadey


  • 4th deck in Mono series
  • Printed by USPCC
  • Limited to 2500 units
  • Premium Bee stock, crushed, traditionally cut, air cushion finish
  • 56 fully custom cards including 2 Jokers, a double backer and an ad card
  • Printed in neon purple Pantone ink
  • Fully custom tuck

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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


The collection continues with a highly visual design using the recognizable Mono pattern, this time creating a hexagon with negative space – a focal point during your packet cuts, whilst the semi-border, full bleed design gives your fans the impact they deserve.

Faces are set up in shades of purple yet still easy to differentiate between, whilst being marked for suit – not for function, but as an interest aesthetic so those faces fans enjoy a dash of color! The markings on the face are design to sit exactly where the lines on the card back run which gives beautiful color blocking however you stack the deck. Modified standard courts bring familiarity with the Mono twist we have come to expect from the series.

The deck is a sure fire hit for carditsry, watch your flourishes come to life as the optical illusion of lines move effortlessly, and once more the Mono decks work together, as two tucks pushed together form a completed hexagonal pattern.

Designed by Luke Wadey


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