Odyssey Genesys (Holographic) Edition Playing Cards by Sergio Roca


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Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Odyssey Genesys is inspired by high minimal shapes. The minimalism and the futurism at its most. The luxury is presented with impressive materials and tonalities like gold, silver and yes, holographic. However, this is not just a foiled deck of cards…this is again a totally different way to Feel The Universe but keeping the essence of the brand.

Feel The Universe wanted more exclusiveness, how to reach it? Every deck of cards will be NUMBERED! We have created luxury seals for all the series which will include the number of the deck so… they will be super limited.

Odyssey genesys comes in three different versions: White & Golden and Black & Silver and, as you can see a HOLOGRAPHIC exclusive edition!

Feel The Universe and TCC have been working together in the craft of a unique and special paper stock and finish that enhances the holographic effect but keeping the high quality of the cards.

This means a great handling, perfect for cardistry and magic with a beautiful holographic cold foil effect. This paper stock and finish are called:

Oh! We used a SUPER premium tuck case material. You will love it.

Genesys has maybe the most impressive case design ever created for an Odyssey. Black and white high quality mat paper stock in combination with a special gold and silver foil makes this case a piece of art. Simple but sophisticated.

One of the elements intrinsically in our essence is the diagonal strip line and the minimalism as it best.

Odyssey Genesys comes with a deputed back design. The diagonal line is elegant, minimal and elegant. Pure Odyssey.

This time we wanted to keep the classic Ace design but adding some details with Genesys aesthetic. This is how it looks like.


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