Piracy Playing Cards by theory11


theory11 produces the world’s finest playing cards. Printed using the highest quality card stock with textured embossing. They’re impeccably finished with opulent foil and hot stamping techniques. Piracy is the absolute pinnacle of playing card quality.

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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Set sail to a world uncharted and become a dweller of the open seas with Piracy Playing Cards. Secrets and lost treasures wait to be discovered – will you embark on the journey?

Piracy Playing Cards were produced using a dual-foil printing process – featuring both gold AND gunmetal silver foil on the backs and faces, with extreme detail and precision. The design as a result is absolutely stunning – a lost treasure that’s finally been discovered.

Every aspect of Piracy Playing Cards were designed from scratch, featuring fully custom fonts, suits, Jokers, Court Cards, and Aces dripped in gold and silver foil. Inspired by the mysteries of the deep sea and the guardians that protect lost treasures, you’ll be transported to a new world every time they’re held in your hands.

A good pirate will set their course and sacrifice everything to obtain their treasure. A great pirate is the one that finds it. Of all the mysteries in the world to discover, which one will you unearth?


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