Surfboard Playing Cards by Dario Genuardi


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Do you also constantly dream of being on the beach and riding the waves? Dario Genuardi, a designer from Canary Island, wants to take you through his life as a surfer.
This deck of cards was being designed for one year, and the designer spent a lot of time adjusting the details, so while you are flipping through the deck, you can feel the way he feels when he is surfing the waves! Do you remember the Skateboard deck from 2017? The SURF actually comes from the same series of the same designer. So, let’s flip through!
Live life your way, no matter what other people think. What this deck wants to convey to you is the unapologetic bravery to choose your own path and follow it! Every day many people seek the perfect spot for surfing, chase the perfect wave. With the SURF deck, you don’t have to travel far and wide, all you need to do is let your imagination run wild!
The back of the cards is specially modified for magicians, and the small marking helps them get twice the result with half the effort.
Let’s look at the tires more closely now. The four suits have unified camper van design at the back, but under close inspection, one might notice a slight detail in the rays of the sun, as well as the tires of the truck.Spades have a perfectly round, full tires on the truck, clubs have only half of each tire, diamonds have half of the front and a full rear tire, and finally hearts a half of rear and full front tire.
Here is a small guide for the sun rays:
The 13 sun rays represent numbers 1-10 and JQK. A small disconnection in one of the lines will allow you to tell exactly which one it is, on the first glance. While this will be a great help to you, the detail being as small and clever as it is, the audience has no way of noticing. Now, that is what we call a design worthy of our attention!
Each of the sun rays represents one of the numbers or court cards (A-K). For example, the picture shows the Five of Diamonds. That means that the front tire will be half (meaning diamonds) and the fifth sunray will have a small disconnection.
Surfing makes all different kinds of people come together and share their common interest. You have the cool guy and the Rasta surfer, the youngster and the old man, the wise shaper and the yoga hippie guy, the vegan or the BBQ lover.
The designer managed to condense all these different kinds of people into the 12 court card characters. Try and look if you can find some that remind you of yourself of your friends! Some are checking the water temperature, some are watching the waves, some prefer to hang out on the beach.
Do you remember the joy that you feel when a wave rolls over? Hurry up and open Surf to keep reminding yourself of the beach stories. Enjoy the details, share with friends and spread the love!


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