Bao Buns Playing Cards by Baobao


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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Ah yes, childhood. When your biggest responsibility was to clean your room and get good grades. Everyone has precious memories of their adolescence, but the most unforgettable memory for us would be our regular trips to the Chinese bakery. A classic favorite will always be the bao bun – a pillowy steamed bun oozing with tender BBQ pork filling covered in a luscious sweet and savory sauce. If your mouth isn’t watering yet, it’s about to be!

Introducing the Bao Buns Playing Cards. A deck of cards sure to unlock your taste buds and your heart. Now, you can enjoy this delightful classic without the food coma!

Our paper box design has an all-around textured matte embossed finish meant to resemble the steam basket’s intricate woven pattern and bamboo finish, while the 2-tone golden brown color scheme adds the warmth and familiarity of real wooden material. Small details, such as the illustration of the basket’s handle on top, add a touch of charm and intricacy to the deck.

Our custom deck features a simple and classic look for the suit and number cards, meant to really shine light on our Jokers and court cards. We swapped out the traditional red pips for the same 2-toned golden brown colors seen throughout the deck and kept the traditional placement of the pips on the number cards. We believe the elegance of this classic design truly reflects what the bao bun represents – nostalgia, community and simplicity!

In classic Bao Bao Restaurant fashion, our deck would not be complete without a unique ace of spades design! To pair perfectly with our simple number cards, our ace of spades card features an enlarged spade filled with 3 snowy white bao buns snuggling together in a traditional bamboo steamer.


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