MUMBALA Deluxe Black Edition Playing Cards by Quinto C


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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Hi everyone, we are QUINTO C again!. We are launching this Kickstarter to help create and print our first illustrated playing cards deck! Based on monkeys!

We really like playing poker with our friends. And we love monkeys. As we were playing we thought about having a deck of our own creation to play with. And so this idea of creating an original, illustrated card deck was born. After our first Kickstarter, we decided to dive into making these cards and now, we’re excited to share the official deck for you all to play with!

Each of the 54 cards in this deck is printed on Linen High-quality card stock with a black core finish to prevent any light from passing through in a linen finish.


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