X-Decks Crazy 🎰 7s Playing Card Mystery Deck – NEW & IMPROVED


You pick your price window and we’ll send you 1 deck that’s guaranteed to be valued higher!

Tired of buying something and receiving exactly what you ordered?!?
“Introduce a little anarchy!” – Joker
“Carpe Diem!”  – Horace
“Momento Mori” – Latin
“YOLO”! – Johann Strauss II

7 Harry Potter books!   7 colors in the rainbow!  Ladybugs have 7 spots!  Who doesn’t dig 7s?!

We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Each brand new sealed deck will come in one of our XDS deck protectors and will be guaranteed to be worth at least (99% chance of being more than) the price point you choose!

With over 1000 different decks currently in stock we don’t even know what these mysteries are going to be, they could even could even be an unreleased, or a rare unlisted deck!



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