The Tale of the Tempest Playing Cards (Ocean Edition)


Custom Court Cards: Classically inspired. Instantly recognizable. Based on a wealth of historical design yet painstakingly illustrated to today’s highest standards of resolution.
Custom Ace of Spades for Dusk and Ocean Editions
Custom Ace of Hearts for Midnight Edition
Classically Inspired Index designed for easy legibility.
Ivory Background: Rather than use stark white The Tale of the Tempest features eggshell colored background that gives off a subtle vintage feel.
Mnemonica Deck Order out of the box, for Magician’s and Mentalists (see uncut sheet layout below).
Classic Mirrored Hourglass Back Design with Entwined TGW Monogram, Rhinoceros Beetles and Ornamented Scrollwork Waves Filigree.
Gunmetal and Gold Cold Foil on the backs of the Midnight Edition.
Gold Cold Foil on the faces of the Midnight Edition.

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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


A gorgeously designed deck of cards evoking classic style and utility designed for Players, Collectors, Card Enthusiasts and Practitioners of the Magic Arts. The Tale of the Tempest Playing Cards immortalizes the legend of, magician and illusionist, The Great Wylenti and his ill-begotten quest to uncover mysteries worthy of his name, the torrential tempest that be felled his expedition and his relentless journey to be reunited with the beautiful Lady Eliza.

The deck, as legend has it, was commissioned by The Great Wylenti. Intended for use in his awe-inspiring performances he demanded the highest quality materials and the finest craftsmanship. Rife with allusions to the storm referenced in its name, The Tale of the Tempest feature waves of intricate filigree and Victorian inspired design along with the elegant TGW monogram.


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